If you want a healthy smile when you align your teeth with braces, then you need to keep dental issues at bay. One dental issue to prevent is enamel erosion, which occurs when acid attacks the teeth and wears down the enamel. This can increase your chances of suffering cavities and tooth fractures. To help you keep your smile free from enamel erosion, our orthodontists, Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Manuele, encourage you to do the following things:

-Avoid acidic foods and beverages: Consuming acidic products can expose your smile to the acid that harms the teeth. So, it’s best to avoid consuming acidic foods and drinks as much as possible.

-Wait to brush your teeth: If you do consume acidic products, you need to wait a half an hour to brush your teeth. This is important because when your teeth are exposed to acid, the enamel is weak. If you brush, the bristles will only worsen the damage. If you want to do something after consuming an acidic food or drink, it’s best to rinse with water and then brush after 30 minutes.

-Use fluoride: Fluoride is a natural mineral that strengthens the tooth enamel. Exposing your teeth to fluoride can make your smile stronger and more resilient. So, use fluoride regularly by using fluoride toothpaste, drinking fluoridated water, using fluoride mouthwash, and receiving professional fluoride treatments.

Call Hamilton & Manuele Orthodontics today at 702-243-3300 if you have any questions or if you would like to know more. Our orthodontic team will be happy to teach you all about how to prevent enamel erosion when you have braces in Las Vegas, Nevada. We look forward to hearing from and helping you!