What Is A Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE)?
Maxillary Skeletal Expanders (MSE) is an orthodontic appliance that’s an alternative to avoid extensive surgical procedures. It is a non-surgical device for adults or skeletally mature patients with a narrowed, high-angle palate or upper and lower jaw discrepancy.
MSE has been a game-changer in adult orthodontics, offering our patients a range of benefits that can improve their physical health and self-confidence. Additional key benefits of adult maxillary expansion:
• Improve airway and respiratory function.
• Alleviate symptoms of sleep apnea or other breathing disorders
• Create a wider palate for the tongue to rest.
• Relieve crowding issues and crossbites.
• Alternative to surgery
Schedule Your Appointment
If you’re interested in exploring the benefits of adult expansion and determining whether it’s a good fit for you, we invite you to reach out to us at 702-243-3300.