World Changers

Each month, we will feature a new World Changer at Hamilton & Manuele. Below you can view all of our past World Changers and read about their causes.

World Changer of the Month



“I love volunteering; it makes me happy to know that even something small I do can have a big impact on my community.”

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“I’m excited to start my own nonprofit so I can truly go out and help make a difference in our growing homeless community.”


Alex is a World Changer by volunteering with World Vision Kenya to bring aid and assistance to children in Africa and being a personal sponsor.

Alex and James

Alex and James are World Changers who volunteer their time at Nevada Children’s Blind Foundation to help visually impaired students build, design, and compete in Robotics.


“I want to make everyone feel important.”


Angie is a World Changer who created project PB&J which stands for please bring jackets and peanut butter and jelly to help the homeless be warm and fed in our community.


Anthony is a World Changer who has dedicated himself in service to God, his country, his family, and the community.


I have a passion for helping people and serving God. When I see people on the streets, it affects my heart and I want to help them. I learned to make hats and scarves and enjoy donating them to people in need. I love to volunteer at the Rescue Mission and see the peoples’ faces […]


“I plan to continue Girl Scouts, to change and help the world even more.”


Caitlin is a World Changer who volunteers her time to help under-privileged children have equal opportunities to accomplish their dreams.


I love music and believe everything is better when it is communicated through a melody. I have dedicated many years to becoming a better cellist and singer. Music is my favorite gift to share and I will continue to work hard to improve my talents to inspire other with music.


I am a storyteller and film maker. I also founded The Simply Believe Project which is a movement to inspire people to believing in their dreams through documenting the pursuit of mine. My passion is to help others become better people. I love to encourage and simply share love. I believe in the world and […]


Christina, dancer and World Changer at Hamilton Manuele Orthodontics

“I want to share my passion for dance by supporting others to live their dream of dance.”

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